Purple Irises & My First Crock-Pot


While working on editing projects and webinars I have been loving my new Crock Pot! So far I haven’t used a recipe, but I have cooked some tasty and easy to heat meals! The photo is of a pork roast and anything I decided needed to go into the pot.


I have yet to learn why different colors of irises bloom at different times. Now it’s time for purple irises! I love irises most of all!  Let me know if you notice something odd about the picture below. 20170412_163347

Available for pre-order: 4 cowboys and stories to set your hormones risin’! Get ready to lasso your favorite cowboy!  Linda Nightingale, M. J. Flournoy, and I have stories in this book. Notice M. M. Mayfield took over my story! We have added one more author, Carol Shaughnessy, to this anthology!

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4 Responses to Purple Irises & My First Crock-Pot

  1. As busy as you are, MM, that CrockPot will be a godsend. My favorite flower, I suppose, is the daffodil. YAY! I’m glad our cowboys will soon ride into town. Each is different and each is sexy in is own special way. This book is also a celebration of Texas as the state is seen through the eyes of 4 different writers. I had the advantage since I live in the Lone Star State.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Josie says:

    I love my crockpot and use it often. Also just purchased an instantpot. It’s like a crockpot, only cooks fast and is more like a pressure cooker.
    Best wishes on your latest release. Looks great!
    And…your flowers are beautiful.


  3. marymarvella says:

    Thank you, Josie! My flowers are from Mama’s garden from 17 years ago! They lived despite my lack of a green thumb!


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