Retirement is too much work

For so many years I thought, if only I didn’t have to work I could____, you fill in the blank. Yep hundreds of things. But somehow the reality isn’t living up to the fantasy. I retired in 2014. The 2014-2015 was the first school year that I wasn’t in a classroom in oh, about twenty five years.

So I hit the ground running with my retirement. So much leisure time to fill. Yeah, right. Do you realize there are only 24 hours in a day and most people expect to spend at least 8 of those sleeping? For years and years I’d been storing away things to do once I retired and had all the time in the world to do stuff.

Being retired is hard work. My list of things to do is still long enough to wall paper the west wing of the White House. So what have I been doing with all this free time, if I haven’t been working through my bucket list?

I went to Key West, drove the entire way. Mary Marvella and I went to the Mystery Writers Fest. That was an interesting drive, monsoon rain for almost a hundred miles on the trans-Florida highway. White knuckles all the way. The Keys were beautiful, it was my first visit and I loved it.DSCN1409DSCN1305

Next Mary Marvella and I attended the Ancient City Romance Writers Conference in St. Augustine. I didn’t have to drive all the way that time because Pamela Vanardo drove most of the way. That was another awesome trip. However, we almost walked over a six foot cliff when we went to the beach the night we arrived! The beach was eroded by a hurricane and had a major drop off. So much for walking on the beach at night. That trip was great as well.DSCN1419

Let’s see, what else? Mary Marvella and I attended the Alabama Book Festival in Montgomery and signed our books. It was hot, but we were in the shade of a tent. So we survived.

Oh yes, Mary Marvella and I drove to Shreveport to attend the NOLA Writers’ Conference. Those of you who know MM know that she always travels with a hugh sippy cup (sorry MM, couldn’t think what else to call it) of medicinal tea. That cup wound up bottom up in the floor of my van more than once. But we still enjoyed our trips. Once it tipped over and landed in MM’s pocketbook! That was interesting.

Oh, yes I nearly forgot. MM and I flew out to San Antonio last summer for RWA National. We enjoyed seeing the city and took the river cruise around the riverwalk. Our friend Nanci Race joined us on that trip. Getting the three of us together can be dangerous, but so much fun!DSCN1582 DSCN1508 DSCN1495 DSCN1526

This year MM, Nanci and I reunited in New York City for RWA National. We walked over the city, found our favorite restaurant, AA Jing where we had the most delicious dinner. We also attended the Broadway show Jersey Boys. What a treat. We loved it.Jerseyboys

In addition to all that, I’ve published stories in five anthologies, help to edit several books and meet weekly with MM and other partners to critique and plan more adventures. Yep, I’m tired. I think I might have to go back to work to get some rest.Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000040_00005] PicMonkey Collage 2Legends of the Dragon is my latest project and is available now on Amazon for pre-order and will be live on August 31st. Help a girl out and download a copy!

So, what’s your year been like?

About authormjflournoy

Author of Romantic Suspense and Paranormal Romance.
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9 Responses to Retirement is too much work

  1. Pingback: Retirement is too much work | Author M. J. Flournoy

  2. marymarvella says:

    Mine has been crazy busy, too. When I’m not tutoring or editing for pay, I’m working with the other MM (Author MJ Fournoy/Melba Moon) in person or on IM. I’m proud of the books we have published!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m going back to bed. Your adventures tired me out.


  4. nitethyme says:

    You girls have been moving and shaking! What fun. Lots of travel. Did you drive to San Antonio? I’m only 3 hours from SA. I’m retired too and seem to stay busy but not traveling unfortunately. Linda

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Josie says:

    So much fun! My husband and I are mostly retired, also. Hah! We’ve never been so busy.


  6. Josie,
    When i was working I couldn’t understand how retired people seemed busier than working people. Now I completely understand. So much to do that has been put off for so long! My hubby is still working, but I know when he retires we will be even more busy.


  7. marymarvella says:

    Reblogged this on MaryMarvella and commented:

    since my retirement I have self published 3 novels and 2 novellas. I contracted 3 novels with publishers, and I edit for a publisher and freelance!


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