Tag Archives: writing tips

Awesome Workshops For summer and Fall!

In case you missed it, I have been editing books more than I have been writing them lately. Why? My inner teacher and my inner writer decided it was time I shared some of the things I have learned over … Continue reading

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Where Is My Toolbox or Who Makes the Rules, anyway?

 by Mary Marvella Time for another class for writers! If you enter writing contests, you likely find comments in the margins that have nothing to do with your characters or story. Writing is a skill to be honed with lots of … Continue reading

Posted in Building Writing Skills, writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

ANACHRONISMS: When is it OK to use them?

ANACHRONISMS: When is it OK to use them? Posted for Toni V. Sweeney by Linda Nightingale If there’s one thing I hate, it’s to be barreling through a story and suddenly be brought up short by an anachronism—something that didn’t … Continue reading

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