Tag Archives: editing

Awesome Workshops For summer and Fall!

In case you missed it, I have been editing books more than I have been writing them lately. Why? My inner teacher and my inner writer decided it was time I shared some of the things I have learned over … Continue reading

Posted in Building Writing Skills, Edting | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Where Did I Put those Tools?

 I have been looking diligently for my writing tool box so I can begin a new book!  “Ah, there it is.” I squat down to heft my large tool box, but it proves easier to lift than I remembered.  How odd! … Continue reading

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I Don’t Need an Editor REBLOG

I Don’t Need an Editor. Mary Marvella Barfield (Mary Marvella) I’ve heard that often and have even said it. I was wrong! I recently took a manuscript I had planned to update and load to create print books. The story … Continue reading

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Back To Teaching for a Day!

Do I have your attention? This has nothing to do with my blog, but…. Saturday I gave a workshop for the Southern Magic Romance Writers in Birmingham, Alabama.  Most of me was excited! Part of me feared the PowerPoint presentation … Continue reading

Posted in Romance, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

Things I Couldn’t Have Predicted Five Years Ago.

Life is full of surprises. As much as I loved teaching, I didn’t expect to be tutoring 20 or more hours a week. I need a day planner now. (NICE!) I would have denied that I could self-publish my own … Continue reading

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